
After a really hectic week, what I really, really needed was a weekend of slobbing about at home. Did I do this? Nope. Instead, come Saturday morning (Friday night was reserved for the extreme excitement of completing job application forms), I hopped on a train off to London with the boy to stay with friends. I wasn’t exactly in the mood for a weekend rushing around London, but actually, it was exactly what I needed- time to enjoy myself rather than moping around feeling sorry for how tired I was feeling.

To say our friends our foodies is an understatement, they are the foodiest people I know. To the point that Andy’s proposal earlier this year at Michel Roux Jr’s restaurant could not have been more fitting for them as a couple (in my mind at least).  Whenever we stay with them, there is always some sort of food excitement involved. In the past, I’ve had a girls night with Lydia in a tiny little authentic Mexican place, stalked Brick Lane for Beigels and perfect Butter Chicken ingredients and been to the most bizarrely located Vietnamese restaurant in an ex-nightclub. These friends are the ones who (to our waistlines’ despair) introduced Chris and I to the wonder that is Borough Market.

This weekend however, it was all about simple, comfort food, in several guises. As we arrived at lunchtime, after droping off our overnight bags, it would have been rude not to head out somewhere exciting for lunch. We settled on Greenwich market and hopped on the DLR.  On the menu? Louisiana smoked sausage baguettes filled with fried onions, sliced gherkin and roast pepper. Topped off with mustard and ketchup. I’ve searched online to try and find a stall name, but have had no luck. If you go there though, it’s pretty obviously the stall selling Louisiana sausages! Tricky to eat, but totally delicious.


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